Apache Drillで整数型と浮動小数点型が混じったJSONデータを読む時の注意


$ cat /tmp/sensor.json
    {"sensor_id":15, "timestamp":"2015-10-29 08:00:00.004", "temperature":14.8},
    {"sensor_id":15, "timestamp":"2015-10-29 08:05:00.011", "temperature":14.9},
    {"sensor_id":15, "timestamp":"2015-10-29 08:10:00.002", "temperature":15},
    {"sensor_id":15, "timestamp":"2015-10-29 08:15:00.012", "temperature":15.2},
    {"sensor_id":15, "timestamp":"2015-10-29 08:20:00.009", "temperature":15.3}


$ apache-drill-1.2.0/bin/drill-embedded
0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT * FROM dfs.`/tmp/sensor.json`;
Error: DATA_READ ERROR: You tried to write a BigInt type when you are using a ValueWriter of type NullableFloat8WriterImpl.

File  /tmp/sensor.json
Record  1
Line  5
Column  78
Field  temperature
Fragment 0:0

[Error Id: e958b13d-25c8-409c-a7d4-51b4359f40e6 on mbp:31010] (state=,code=0)

「temperature」というフィールドでエラーがあるというのがわかるのですが、これは8ビット浮動小数点型のWriterを値の内部書き込みに使っていたのに、8ビット整数型を書き込もうとしたことが原因です。次のApache Drillのドキュメントを見てみましょう。

Apache Drill - JSON Data Model

By default, Drill does not support JSON lists of different types. For example, JSON does not enforce types or distinguish between integers and floating point values. When reading numerical values from a JSON file, Drill distinguishes integers from floating point numbers by the presence or lack of a decimal point. If some numbers in a JSON map or array appear with and without a decimal point, such as 0 and 0.0, Drill throws a schema change error.



0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> ALTER SESSION SET `store.json.read_numbers_as_double` = true;
|  ok   |                   summary                   |
| true  | store.json.read_numbers_as_double updated.  |
1 row selected (0.106 seconds)
0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT * FROM dfs.`/tmp/sensor.json`;
| data |
| [{"sensor_id":15.0,"timestamp":"2015-10-29 08:00:00.004","temperature":14.8},{"sensor_id":15.0,"timestamp":"2015-10-29 08:05:00.011","temperature":14.9},{"sensor_id":15.0,"timestamp":"2015-10-29 08:10:00.002","temperature":15.0},{"sensor_id":15.0,"timestamp":"2015-10-29 08:15:00.012","temperature":15.2},{"sensor_id":15.0,"timestamp":"2015-10-29 08:20:00.009","temperature":15.3}] |
1 row selected (0.115 seconds)


0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT
. . . . . . . . . . . >   t.data.sensor_id sensor_id,
. . . . . . . . . . . >   t.data.`timestamp` `timestamp`,
. . . . . . . . . . . >   t.data.temperature temperature
. . . . . . . . . . . > FROM (
. . . . . . . . . . . >   SELECT FLATTEN(data) data FROM dfs.`/tmp/sensor.json`
. . . . . . . . . . . > ) t;
| sensor_id  |        timestamp         | temperature  |
| 15.0       | 2015-10-29 08:00:00.004  | 14.8         |
| 15.0       | 2015-10-29 08:05:00.011  | 14.9         |
| 15.0       | 2015-10-29 08:10:00.002  | 15.0         |
| 15.0       | 2015-10-29 08:15:00.012  | 15.2         |
| 15.0       | 2015-10-29 08:20:00.009  | 15.3         |
5 rows selected (0.143 seconds)


0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT
. . . . . . . . . . . >   CAST(t.data.sensor_id AS INT) sensor_id,
. . . . . . . . . . . >   CAST(t.data.`timestamp` AS TIMESTAMP) `timestamp`,
. . . . . . . . . . . >   t.data.temperature temperature
. . . . . . . . . . . > FROM (
. . . . . . . . . . . >   SELECT FLATTEN(data) data FROM dfs.`/tmp/sensor.json`
. . . . . . . . . . . > ) t;
| sensor_id  |        timestamp         | temperature  |
| 15         | 2015-10-29 08:00:00.004  | 14.8         |
| 15         | 2015-10-29 08:05:00.011  | 14.9         |
| 15         | 2015-10-29 08:10:00.002  | 15.0         |
| 15         | 2015-10-29 08:15:00.012  | 15.2         |
| 15         | 2015-10-29 08:20:00.009  | 15.3         |
5 rows selected (0.337 seconds)


0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> ALTER SESSION SET `store.json.all_text_mode` = true;
|  ok   |              summary               |
| true  | store.json.all_text_mode updated.  |
1 row selected (0.089 seconds)
0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT
. . . . . . . . . . . >   t.data.sensor_id sensor_id,
. . . . . . . . . . . >   t.data.`timestamp` `timestamp`,
. . . . . . . . . . . >   t.data.temperature temperature
. . . . . . . . . . . > FROM (
. . . . . . . . . . . >   SELECT FLATTEN(data) data FROM dfs.`/tmp/sensor.json`
. . . . . . . . . . . > ) t;
| sensor_id  |        timestamp         | temperature  |
| 15         | 2015-10-29 08:00:00.004  | 14.8         |
| 15         | 2015-10-29 08:05:00.011  | 14.9         |
| 15         | 2015-10-29 08:10:00.002  | 15           |
| 15         | 2015-10-29 08:15:00.012  | 15.2         |
| 15         | 2015-10-29 08:20:00.009  | 15.3         |
5 rows selected (0.191 seconds)


0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT
. . . . . . . . . . . >   t.data.sensor_id sensor_id,
. . . . . . . . . . . >   AVG(t.data.temperature) temperature
. . . . . . . . . . . > FROM (
. . . . . . . . . . . >   SELECT FLATTEN(data) data FROM dfs.`/tmp/sensor.json`
. . . . . . . . . . . > ) t
. . . . . . . . . . . > GROUP BY t.data.sensor_id;
Error: SYSTEM ERROR: SchemaChangeException: Failure while trying to materialize incoming schema.  Errors:
Error in expression at index -1.  Error: Missing function implementation: [castINT(BIT-OPTIONAL)].  Full expression: --UNKNOWN EXPRESSION--..

Fragment 0:0

[Error Id: 2626b393-96d8-4d6a-b169-5d787ee57c8d on mbp:31010] (state=,code=0)


0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT
. . . . . . . . . . . >   t.data.sensor_id sensor_id,
. . . . . . . . . . . >   AVG(CAST(t.data.temperature AS DOUBLE)) temperature
. . . . . . . . . . . > FROM (
. . . . . . . . . . . >   SELECT FLATTEN(data) data FROM dfs.`/tmp/sensor.json`
. . . . . . . . . . . > ) t
. . . . . . . . . . . > GROUP BY t.data.sensor_id;
| sensor_id  |     temperature     |
| 15         | 15.040000000000001  |
1 row selected (1.376 seconds)